The REAL us (tRu):
In my youth I loved speed and one evening I was driving on a country road that, at one point, narrowed due to roadworks. In addition - there was a bend right after the narrowing. The bend, the roadworks, together with trees etc, meant that my visibility in relation to oncoming traffic, was limited.
As said, it was evening and no other cars on the road - neither in my direction or oncoming.
As I approach the narrowing (holding a reasonable high speed) there suddently was an 'inner voice' saying;
'this, young man, is going to go really bad if you don't slow down '.
For one reason or another - I listened to this inner voice and slowed down. And sure enough, as I reach the narrowing and was about to cross over and into the opposite lane - a heavy loaded truck comes around the bend, also at high speed.
In short - if I hadn't slowed down, I would have met this truck head on.
Coincidence, subconsciousness, intuition, sheer luck? The only one thing I am pretty sure of is that 'the inner voice / the warning' was not a result of my own conscious thinking...
Leave it hanging in the air for now.....
There are theories that claims that we are just parts of a computer program, a game - or - that we are some kind of 'cyborgs' or 'avatars'. Personally, I don't think that we are JUST that - but I can understand such an 'approach'.
After all, the universe/life might not been made for us....
But to get a bit further, from now on; I will name this 'something' for 'tRu' (the Real us).
I think this tRu is hidden deep, deep down within us humans - and - that it is something we have absolutely NO feeling or contact with. In fact, I don't think it is going to make itself 'known' in any way as long as it has it's place of residence within the physical universe (actually - as long as it is within the entire Framework).
In other words, there is NO WAY we can 'contact' or otherwise 'influence' or 'feel' this tRu. It has entered this world 'one and only' to understand/experience what a physical life is - everything else, has NO interest.
Sorry! But given all the previous assumtions...
I can't see any reason why tRu should interfere/interact/affect with 'us' at all
It's purely a 'passive' presence !
(with one excetion - I'll come to that)
But one thing is what tRu does as long as it is collecting it's physical experience - what it does AFTER it leaves the whole Framework, might be a somewhat different story.
Lets go back to this.
I mentioned earlier that there could be a couple of other things this 'something' (now the tRu's) had to learn.
What if the tRu - after leaving the Framework - has to learn qualities/skills such as cooperation, respect, tolerance, trust etc? That's not cooperation, respect etc. as we perform/experience this towards each other as living organisms in a physical world - because that's purely to create a world of action, happenings etc
Oh, no - this is on at totally different scale. And further - those qualities can only be learned outside a Framwork in connection with other tRu's - by creating/making a new Framework and operating it together
We have the following situation:
The tRu's that leaves the old Framework - will not enter the new Framework themself. The new Framework is made for an infinite number of other tRu's (arriving from somewhere way out in 'The Existence of Everything') - tRu's ready to start THEIR journey through a physical world.
So, the tRu's MAKING the framework, are NOT the same tRu's that lives within it. We have the following tRu's:
Yeah, I know - at this point it sounds more like a mad man's crazy fantasies (and maybe it is) - but, give me a chance to explain why I think it has to be like this as there might be a sort of 'weird logic' behind it after all.....
As said, the ItRu's living inside any framework, will NOT interact with whatever physical lifeforms one might find there. The ItRu's are there solely to experience physical life - with one little excetion...
Have you ever wondered where the first germ of a thought starts?
Where does its journey begin and what determines its content...
I'll come to this, but for now - these ItRu's don't interact
The EtRu's outside the framework HOWEVER - may have multiple reasons for interacting. Everything from securing that the new physical world(s) has a continuous flow of changes, contradictions, events (so the newly arrived ItRu's can start the process of physical learning) - to - securing that they (the EtRu's themselves) can learn cooperation, tolerance, respect, trust etc.
The EtRu's might even, from time to time, interact directly with humans - through what we may perceive as an inner voice (like the one I had) or when we are praying, having a religious awakening/revelation etc. Just so that 'we' or rather to secure that the ItRu (inside us) follows the path it has chosen.
In short; after 'the Real us' has lived a physical life (as an ItRu), it becomes an EtRu - and - together with an infinite amount of other EtRu's, they create a completely new framework (incl. a non-physical-, semi-physical- and physical dimension(s) and all the rest that is required to get a framwork going) - all of this, so that the next generation of ItRu's can enter the framework and start their journey in search of physical life experience - AND - the EtRu's themselves, can acquire cooperation, tolerance, respect, trust etc.
But it has it's consequences - namely; what we consider as 'gods' might not be anything else but 'ourselves'. That is, our 'gods' are nothing else than former ItRu's (from a previous, old framework) now acting as EtRu's of our Framework.
Does this sound completely crazy? I mean, its nothing else than a continuous development of new EtRu's - a process that happens daily and everywhere in our physical world. We do get children whom we train to become independent individuals...
One can like the above or hate it - but it would for sure change the perception to the following statement;
'...mankind was created in the image of god...’
Perhaps it's a statement that is much more specific than what we may have thought....
Doesn't the above means that there are potentially many 'gods'?
Oh, yes - an infinite number. Probably one for each and every one of us (if not more).
Look at it this way - how can we (ever) determine that the voice/contact/encounter that ONE person experiences (for instance in connection with religious awakening) is of the SAME origin as to what another person experience?
After all, the only 'proof' we have - is just the sender's testimony that it is of the same origin. But if the EtRu's main task at this level is to learn cooperation, respect, tolerance, trust - then....well, what prevents them from gather together and, in some cases, just appear as 'one' towards us?