Purgatory, the soul's eternal perdition or...?

Is that really a destiny that awaits (some of) us

- or -

is it just an other misinterpretation of what's happening on the 'other side'?

Imagine the following: 

Before the existing of our (or any other) physical universe - this 'something', still being out in 'The Existing of Everything' - begins a process of making the Framework it needs in order to acquire it's physical knowledge and experience. A framwork that ultimately will consist of - a 'non-physical dimension', a 'semi-physical dimension' and one (or more) physical universe(s).

The process starts by making a 'non-physical dimension' (no time, space or shapes) - after that, it makes a 'semi-physical dimension' (no 'time', but atleast containing the possibiliti for 'space' and 'shapes') and finally - it begins the process of creating it's first 'physical universe' (there is also an underlying link/connection to the development of mathematics, physics here - but I'll come to that later).

But, what if these 'first generations of universes’ are empty - a
 sort of physical universe, but with no mass, no natural forces, no life etc. - as there are nothing to create elementary particels from - these particels comes later (as it requires access to some sort of 'energy').

Into these 'first generation universes’, this ‘something’ could only place itself - and - by doing so, it had it's first ‘physical experience’ (even if it lasted just a fraction of 'time' - and - even if there was not actually anything 'physical' present there at all).

But still, it had a sort of 'physical experience' - experience that also forms the basis of developing what we sometimes refers to as a 'soul'.

Short comment:
Soul, spirit, ego, mind, consciousness etc - all depending on whether you look at these concepts from a scientific, medical, philosophical, psychological point of view OR from the point of view related to various religions or other 'views of life' - there are divided opinions whether these exists or not. However, I choose to keep these terms to illustrate my point.

Then, as these types of early universes ceases to exist, this 'something' returnes to the ‘semi-physical universe’. Once back, it gets rid of it's newly made 'soul'. A soul that contains both usefull and useless 'physical experience and knowledge'.

Then it turnes all the useless 'knowledge and information', into a ‘soup’. A process that by some - just having a brief glimpse into this world - might look like ‘torture of souls’ or 'hell' or whatever – but, it is actually nothing else than recycling of useless physical knowledge and information.

So, by making an infinity amount of 'first generation universes' (collecting more and more physical knowledge and information) it is time to move on - creating the next generation of 'universes'. That is - 'physical, space-time universes' (like ours) - as there now is enough ‘energy’ available (stored as a 'soup' made of old knowledge and information).

Impossible? Well, consider this;

It has been said that scientists, at the very same moment that life ebbs...

have managed to measure that we lose a few grams

- so -

Could the above explain why some people (through meditation, mindfulness etc.) sometimes feels like their are in contact with the entire universe? After all, the entire physical universe, might just been build on knowledge and information gathered from 'souls' that belonged to 'individuals' who lived in previous universees.

And even;

Why some philosophers, scientists - claims that; Everything that we sometimes call 'inventions', might not be inventions at all. It seems more like ‘discoveries of existing information' - it seems like the knowledge is hidden within the universe itself, but must be retrieved/untangled.....

And further;

Why some scientists believe that elementary particles consist of information and knowledge (one way-or-another)

The point is;

What if we are NOT facing 'hell or torture'. Purgatory might just be a process of extracting useless knowledge and information - a process ALL 'souls' eventually will have to go through.

In other words;

All that is usefull/usable, this 'something' collects and brings forward - on the other hand - information that is useless, is not lost - but shipped around from one universe to another.

Meaning that we might have the following two scenarions;

  1. the development of increasingly knowledgeable universes
  2. the development of increasingly knowledgeable 'something'

Or like this;

So, the soul's eternal perdition? Well, in a sense it may be 'right' - but it is nothing to fear as it will happen to all of us as the soul itself is a 'waste product' and has nothing to do with the (real) us.

So far none of the above is 'hocus pocus'. It reminds more and more as something we (as humans) could have done ourselves, if we just had the technology (but I'll get to that later) - first, let's move on to the non-physical dimension.
